Learn To Connect Drone To Phone

March 14, 2022 by CEO | Robert Jones

Drones are amazing inventions that have become very popular. You can connect a drone to your Android phone or iPhone. Most drones are supported by a mobile app.

This allows you to control your drone through your phone as well as the drone controller. By connecting the drone to the phone, you can watch everything live.

Moreover, the app can store the data for later use. So, it feels necessary to connect your drone to your phone. Let us learn how to do it.

Is it Necessary to Connect Drone to Phone?

Largely, it is a personal choice to connect the drone to the phone. But, in some cases it is essential.

Because some drones can be controlled only by mobile apps and feature no separate controller.

While others are meant to be operated only by the controller and lack a mobile app. There are some other reasons for connecting the drone to phone;

Live View

If you connect drone to your phone, you can view everything live. Whatever drone camera sees, you also see it at once.

It is preferred for surveillance and security purpose. Moreover, you can store data on your phone for later use.

GPS and Flight Controls

Most of the latest drones are equipped with GPS control system. They feature active tracking, flight path, and can return home automatically.

While some drones do not have a bulky controller. All the control options are found on your phone screen. So, these autonomous features can be easily controlled by your phone.

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Connect Drone to Phone: The Exact Method

An amazing thing about drones is that they have their own native Wifi. You do not need a home Wifi network to connect them.

Because drones can fly places with no internet. So, you connect your phone to your drone’s Wifi for making a wireless connection.

The method for connecting the drone to the phone may vary. Because there are various brands of drones as well as phones.

You need to read the user manual carefully. Find the respective app for your drone. The rest of the method is easy.

  1. Go to the play store on your phone and download the app for your particular drone.
  2. Power ON your drone and connect it to the Wifi network.
  3. Now, connect your phone to your drone’s Wifi network. Enter the passphrase given in the user guide.
  4. Launch the drone app on your phone and complete the setup, calibration, and configuration by following the on-screen instructions.

This is how you can connect your drone to your phone. This setup process works both for iPhone and Android phones.

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